Sign-Ups Closed
Prediction Game: Big Brother 26
Information on the BrantSteele Prediction Game for Big Brother 26 can be found here.


1) You must select 4 houseguests.
a 2) No two users may pick the same choices.
3) Each user may only have one submission per account/IP Address.
4) You must be a member of the BrantSteele Discord server at the end of the season.
5) There will be a choice of prizes, with one of them being 1 month of full Discord Nitro.
6) If the winner does not respond via Discord within 1 week, the next highest scorer wins this prize.


Sign-ups opened Tuesday, July 16th at 6:00 AM EST and closed Wednesday, July 17th at 9:00 PM EST.

Big Brother 26 premiered on July 17th at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

There will not be a weekly competition. Your selections are for the full season.